Hearing Aid Brands

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hearing Aids,Oregon Hearing Society - Summer Event - Educational Seminar 2011

Oregon Hearing Society (OHS) is having their 2011 Summer Event & Educational Seminar in beautiful Newport, OR.  The event runs from June 10th - June 12th, 2011. Get CEU credits for attending.  Enter the Raffle for a 2 night stay Gift Certificate to the Hallmark Inn and Resort.  Meet fellow professionals in your field and learn something. For Registration and Information contact Roz at (503) 708-3120 or email to rsju@msn.com.

Hallmark Ocean Front Resort
744 SW Elizabeth Street
Newport, Oregon  97365

FRIDAY, June 10
10:00   -   OHS Golf tournament at Agate Beach Golf Course
4:00-6:00 pm   -   Class A
6:00-9:00 pm   -   Welcome Party
9:00 pm   -   Bonfire

7:00-8:00 am   -   Breakfast Buffet
8:00-10:00 am   -   Class B
10:30-12:30 pm   -   ClassC
12:30 - 1:45 pm   -   Lunch & Business Meeting
3:00-6:00 pm   -   Class D "Trade Winds Center Stage"
6:00 - 6:30 pm   -   Socializing with Sponsors - Silent Auction
6:30 - 9:30   -   Dinner Buffet & Live Auction & Raffle Drawings
9:30 pm   -   Bonfire

SUNDAY, June 12
8:00-9:30 am   -   Continental Breakfast
8:30-11:30 am   -   Class E